Dr Andreas Grözinger studied law at the University of Cologne, focussing on competition law and industrial property rights. While being at university, he gained first practical experience when he worked in the legal department of a large energy company.
Dr Grözinger completed his legal clerkship in the judicial district of the Cologne Higher Regional Court, during which he worked at the public prosecutor’s office in Aachen in the department for organized crime, for the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Lisbon, for an international corporate law firm and for the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection in Berlin.
Dr Grözinger earned his doctorate with his thesis on a criminal procedure topic under the guidance of his supervisory professor, Prof. Dr. Waßmer, at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the University of Cologne.
Since April 2017 he has been admitted to the bar. He is member of the Cologne Bar Association.
He defended the former Creative Director of Lopavent in the so called „Loveparade“-trial and is currently defending a board member in the „dieselgate“ scandal as well as a hedgefund-manager due to alleged „cum ex“-transactions.
Dr. Grözinger speaks German and English.
Dr. Andreas Grözinger referiert auf dem Online-Seminar der wistev zu Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Hauptverhandlung und Unterscuchungshaft; mehr unter: wistev.de/2020/06/16/02-07-2020-webkonferenz-wirtschaftsstrafrecht/.
Vortrag von Dr. Andreas Grözinger an der Universität Trier, Campus I / Hörsaal N2, 16.00 Uhr
Vortrag von Rechtsanwalt Dr. Andreas Grözinger im Rahmen der Tagung "Junges Wirtschaftsstrafrecht 2.0" Goethe Universität, Campus Westend, Hörsaal HZ13, Frankfurt, Beginn: 10.00 Uhr (Näheres hier)